Happy Birthday, Hannah!

She is our sweet little 2 year old. She cracks us up with the way she runs around with her piggy tails bouncing. She loves the colors purple and yellow. Loves to dress up in her shoes, hat, and sunglasses and just walk around the house. She's cuddly and loves to sit on our laps and look at books. Hannah came into our lives and taught us patience with her acid reflux in the first 6 months that kept her crying day and night (and us awake). She now lives life with abandon, running from one activity to the next. Her best bud is Owen and often will follow behind him, doing whatever he is doing. She's picking up more and more words each day and will often respond to you with a "K" or "uh, huh." We love you, sweet Heena, and we're so glad God put you in our lives! Happy 2nd Birthday!