Merry Chirstmas!

This year we celebrated Christmas day as a little family of 4 (and a half :) It was a little different not being with a big group of family but we enjoyed the laid back time spent at home, too. We went to church in the morning (after a breakfast of fresh baked cinnamon rolls!) and then came home and opened stockings. The afternoon was spent hanging out and making homemade eggnog. For our little family, we've made the tradition of picnicking in the living room beside the Christmas tree. We had baked Brie, shrimp cocktail, eggnog, summer sausage and cheese, and Reuben dip with crackers. Delicious! After supper we listened to Paul read the Christmas story (Hannah needed some persuasion to sit still...different story...different time...) and then we opened gifts. I hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas as well!