
I stop and think where we were a year ago, I have many reasons to be thankful. A year ago, Paul was without a job (lost it the week before) and we had no clue what to do next. But God is faithful, like He always is, and opened a door call Gateway Woods. Now a year later we have almost a full year of work under our belts, two healthy children with another on the way, and someone has come along who wants to rent our house in Antwerp (yea!). We had a great time with family over the 4 days we had off. We got to be with Paul's family on Thanksgiving day and spent the night as well. Then we spent the remaining 3 days in Illinois with my family who we hadn't seen since last Christmas :( It was wonderful to finally see my grandparents again - i even managed to get a picture with them. Owen became fast friends with Kate and we attempted a picture of the 4 kiddos Sunday morning. We can at least say we got them all in the same picture, but that's about it... The picture of t...